It is officially the age of the machine, and the rise of this digital era means constant exposure to phone and computer screens. Almost overnight, your child went from playing outside to being completely computer-dependent. Well, that might be an exaggeration, but children indeed rely on technology for games, communication, and even education. Additionally, the recent educational shift, in which more classes are now online, means even more screen time for your child’s eyes. Their relationship with technology exposes their eyes to something called “Blue Light,” a potentially harmful light that emits from the glowing screens of their computers and smartphones. But even though your child is exposed to blue light for hours at a time, you can defend their eyes from discomfort by investing in the right protective eyewear.

What is Blue Light?

Light produces wavelengths, which determine its place on the electromagnetic spectrum. Short wavelengths are high energy wavelengths that produce gamma-rays and x-rays. Long wavelengths are low energy radio waves. Blue light has short, high-energy wavelengths that formative studies suggest may cause long-term damage to your retina. Artificial blue light can be found in the screens of televisions, tablet screens, LED lamps, smartphones, and computer screens.

This isn’t always a bad thing! Natural blue light, found in sunlight, is the light your body uses to naturally regulate its “sleep” and “awake” cycles. It can also improve your attention and reaction times. But just like you use sunscreen to protect your skin, you can use specialized blue-light blocking lenses to protect your eyes from too much exposure.  

How Does Blue Light Affect Your Eyes?

Blue light is a relatively new concern for optometrists. Still, there is already evidence that it can lead to early vision loss caused by age-related macular degeneration (AMD). At the very least, it is universally acknowledged that too much screen time can cause eye strain and discomfort. An experienced eye doctor will advise you to implement every protective strategy to protect your child’s retina, comfort, and vision.  

How much exposure is too much? If only our eyes could talk. It turns out they can in their own way. If you have experienced any of the following symptoms, it could be a sign that you are exposed to too much blue light:

  • Eye Strain. Eye strain is a common symptom of a variety of eye ailments, but it can also contribute to long-term vision issues. If you experience eye strain, it means that your eyes are working extra hard, possibly to manage the frequent blue light exposure. If you experience sore or aching eyes, a headache, a sore neck or shoulders, or have difficulty concentrating, you may be experiencing eye strain. Eye strain can also lead to headaches and migraines.
  • Blurred or Double-Vision. Your vision is a critical contributor to your focus and concentration. Prolonged exposure to blue light can disrupt that focus by creating blurred or double vision because your eye’s natural filters are struggling to cope with the intense light. Symptoms such as these can be a distraction and create an inability to focus.
  • Trouble Sleeping. Your sleep pattern is a fragile thing, and it strongly linked to your ocular health. If you are in the habit of checking your phone before bed, consider revising your routine to protect your vision! Blue light tricks your eyes into believing it’s daytime, disrupting your sleep cycle.
  • Dry Eyes. If you notice you’re blinking more frequently, or your eyes are constantly itching, you may have dry eyes. Dry eyes are a common symptom associated with extensive blue light exposure.

Protect Your Eyes and Vision Against Blue Light

Studies focused on this light’s effect on vision are still in their early stages, but why take a chance with your eye health? Eye Wares employs the latest blue-light blocking technology in select lenses! These glasses are developed with “spectrum control” technology, which absorbs the blue light, rather than allowing it to shine directly into your defenseless retinas. Our goal is to reduce the impact that artificial blue light emitting from screens has on your eyes. Our optometrists will work with you to make a personalized decision for your new glasses.

Call Eye Wares Today!

Your ocular health is our number one priority! Eye Wares has over 20 years of experience providing advanced eye care services to Mandeville on the Northshore and Old Metairie on the Southshore. Call Eye Wares today, so we can protect your vision with blue-light blocking lenses!