Dry Eye Treatment Center

dry eye center

Dry Eye Treatment Specialists in Uptown New Orleans, Metairie, and Mandeville

Dry eyes may seem like a benign problem, but it’s a chronic issue that can result in severe eye damage if left untreated. If you’re looking for eye care experts, turn to Eye Wares in New Orleans, Mandeville, and Metairie! Eye Wares has established a Dry Eye Treatment Center for the diagnosis and treatment of dry eye conditions.

Types of Dry Eye Treatment

Dry eye syndrome can be irritating, but there are many treatments available. Depending on the severity, an optometrist may recommend one or more of the following:

Eye Drops

There are several types of eye drops available, including some for dry eye syndrome. These are specially formulated to increase tear production and provide the moisture needed. You can consult your eye doctor to get a prescription for the appropriate eye drops.

Tear Drops or Ointments

These function like artificial tears, mimicking the way real ones moisturize the cornea. Some forms, like ointments, may cause temporary blurred vision upon application because of their composition.

Punctal Occlusion

There’s a duct called the punctum that drains away tears. This passage is the reason why we have runny noses when we cry. To stop tears from going away too quickly, an eye doctor can plug this duct with a procedure called punctal occlusion. It can be a temporary or permanent plug, depending on the circumstance.


Lipiflow is a specialized treatment for Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, a disorder characterized by blocked oil glands. The procedure involves heat and gentle squeezing action that unclogs the glands and releases the necessary oils to the cornea.

Morpheus8 Radiofrequency Treatment (RF)

The Morpheus8 Radiofrequency Treatment is an advanced method that involves radio waves directed to the eyes. It treats the symptoms of dry eye syndrome while also rejuvenating the skin cells around the eyes, reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatment

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy usually known for cosmetic procedures has been repurposed and FDA-approved for dry eye management. Targeted pulses of light are used to improve tear production and restore the Meibomian Gland function.