If you are anything like the rest of us, you are probably eager to break free from quarantine and check into all the places you have been longing to visit. You may even have a mile-long list of all the things you plan to enjoy now that the governor has issued new directives to re-open the state of Louisiana. And while restaurants and parks are hair salons all fun and games, this blog addresses why a visit to your eye doctor should be at the top of your list. Maybe second on your list, next to getting a haircut. We all need a haircut. Our optometrists suggest that all of our patients above the age of six schedule annual eye appointments. If you had to delay your latest eye appointment due to the coronavirus, call Eye Wares today!

Treat Yourself to an Eye Exam

Dealing with COVID-19 and subsequent coronavirus social interruptions is stressful enough. Many of those in quarantine turn to their smartphones and electronic devices for entertainment. Eye strain and untreated eye conditions can negatively impact your daily life by affecting your vision and causing symptoms such as blurred vision and headaches. Thankfully, Eye Wares implements the most advanced eye care technology in the industry and can evaluate your eye health to give you peace of mind. A comprehensive eye exam identifies potential problem areas and gauges your current prescription.

Social Distance with Optikam Measurement Technology

Our office puts the safety of our staff and customers first. That’s why we immediately implemented Optikam technologies to properly fit fashionable, functional eyeglasses with minimal human contact. OptikamPad allows our eye doctors to take measurements accurate to 100th of a millimeter with the high-tech camera.

The OptikamPad has the ability to capture the client’s face and posture, enabling us to make safe and informed decisions at a distance.

Optomap Retinal Examination

Sun damage is not isolated to the summer months. Your eyes are susceptible to UV light-related conditions yearlong! The following tips will help you protect your vision and ultimately prolong your eye health

An Optomap retinal examination [link to optomap page] allows doctors to perform the most comprehensive eye exam possible.  The advanced retinal imaging technology captures an 82% view of the patient’s retina, enabling eye doctors to carefully examine the blood vessels at the back of the eye. These blood vessels shed insight into your vision and overall eye health. In addition to enlargement and isolation capabilities, the Optomap has several other benefits. 

1. Possibly Avoid Dilation. Depending on your history of eye disease, your optometrist may not recommend pupil dilation for the Optomap!

2. Fast. The Optomap retinal imaging is almost instantaneous. It is a safe, sanitary procedure that only takes a few minutes. The device captures an image of your retina with a quick, comfortable flash of light.

3. Comfortable and Safe. The Optomap is the number one choice for optometrists to perform on expectant mothers because it is the only comprehensive eye exam with the possibility to avoid pupil dilation. It is a completely painless, non-invasive procedure.

4. Detection and Prevention. Optomap retinal imaging can detect developmental eye issues, as well as countless diseases, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and more!

Get Your Prescription Checked

Being proactive is the best way to maintain your eye health. Regular eye exams can help you anticipate developmental vision issues and detect possible signs of eye disease. During your eye exam, your eye doctor will take a look at your current eyewear to determine if you need to change your prescription.

Signs You Need A New Prescription

Vision issues occur gradually, and it is not always easy to tell when you need a change of prescription. If you have experienced any of the following, you may require a new prescription.

1. You are having difficulty reading or concentrating on reading material

2. You are regularly squinting

3. Your vision is blurry

4. Eye fatigue

5. Frequent headaches

Protect Your Eyes with New Contacts

We hope you had plenty of contact lenses to get you through quarantine. If your supply is running low, call your eye doctor immediately! Regularly replacing your contact lenses should be a part of your eye health routine. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, individuals who do not follow regular contact lens care are more susceptible to eye infections.  Just like we throw away food and makeup when it expires, your contact lenses require responsible regulation.

When to Get New Contacts

Trust your eyes. These sensitive organs will often tell you when it is time to get new contacts. These signs will help you communicate to your eye doctor why it is time for a visit.

1. Irritation and Discomfort. In addition to replacing your contacts, remember to regularly replace your contact case. If you experience unusual discomfort while wearing contacts, it may be due to germs, bacteria, or other irritants that have infiltrated your eyewear.

2. Contact Lens Damage. If your contacts are damaged, contact your eye doctor for a replacement immediately! Nicks and tears can foster bacteria and damage your cornea.

3. Cloudy Lenses. If your contact lenses are no longer clear, impaired vision is the least of your worries. Cloudy contacts indicate the presence of potentially harmful bacteria.

Call Eye Wares Today!

Your ocular health is our number one priority! Eye Wares has over 20 years of experience providing advanced eye care services to Mandeville on the Northshore and Old Metairie on the Southshore. Call now to schedule your eye exam, so we can keep your vision clear and healthy!