What are Floaters?

Floaters can be a symptom of a more serious medical condition, but they can also be an innocuous sign of the aging process. They occur when your eye’s jelly-like vitreous slowly shrinks. When this happens, but vitreous becomes straggly, and these strands create shadows that affect the retina. These shadows are known as floaters and, while annoying, are often a simple consequence of aging.

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Floaters and Retinal Detachment

Unsurprisingly, many eye conditions are connected. Once diagnosed, it is easier to identify other potential issues affecting your eye health. Two closely related conditions are floaters and retinal detachment.

Retinal detachment occurs when the retina is pulled away from its healthy spot at the back of your eye. This is a serious medical condition and should be treated as an emergency. If you have symptoms, such as these, unexplained flashes of light in your eyes, or “shadows” in your vision, visit your eye doctor immediately.

Treatment for Floaters in New Orleans: Vitrectomy

Only an experienced eye care professional can tell you if you require treatment for your floaters. For floaters caused by the natural shrinkage of the vitreous, treatment is not recommended. If they are so numerous that they are affecting your vision, your eye doctor may suggest a vitrectomy. This is a surgical procedure implemented to remove them from the vitreous.

A vitrectomy replaces your natural vitreous gel with a salt solution. This procedure is only recommended to those whose vision is seriously affected by the presence of floaters because it can present complications such as retinal detachment, cataract, and retinal tears.