The Dangers of Eye Strain

Technology is terrific, but it also presents unanticipated risks to our eyesight. Phones and computers are both risk factors to your eye health because they can cause something called eye strain. Eye strain can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as headaches and blurred vision. The following are two everyday activities that can cause eye strain.

  • Digital Eye Strain: Devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, and computers all affect your eyes. Desk jobs often require uninterrupted hours of work staring at a screen. Additionally, according to a study conducted by Market Research Firm Solidea Solutions, Americans now check their phones 96 times a day! Digital eye strain can cause symptoms such as dry eyes, headaches, blurred vision, and neck and shoulder pain.
  • Driving Eye Strain: When you’re concentrating on the road, your eyes are constantly in motion. As a driver, you’re also under a constant barrage of headlights and sunlight. If you wear eyeglasses or require vision enhancement, it’s important to make sure you’re using the correct prescription while driving. Otherwise, you might exacerbate your eye strain with unclear vision.
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Symptoms of Eye Strain

Thankfully, eye strain is not a disease or a medical condition. However, it is usually a symptom of a more significant problem. If you have eye strain, you have likely experienced headaches or blurred vision. An eye doctor can detect why you are experiencing eye strain and develop a comprehensive treatment plan to identify your problem and strategize your recovery. Our team of eye specialists can give you peace of mind with a comprehensive eye exam to determine if you have any undiagnosed conditions or need to change your prescription.