About eyewares-admin

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So far eyewares-admin has created 62 blog entries.
14 06, 2021

Is it Dry Eye, Ocular Allergies, or Both? Summertime Observations from Your Mandeville Optometrist

2023-01-24T16:07:18-05:00June 14, 2021|Eye Health|

Everyone’s done it. You wake up with dry, red, itchy eyes and throw on your favorite pair of sunglasses to hide the damage. But, instead of covering your dry eyes [...]

7 05, 2021

Clean Beauty Movement: Makeup Tips from Eye Wares to Protect Your Eyes and Vision

2023-01-24T16:07:26-05:00May 7, 2021|Eye Health|

There are no cosmetic reasons to sacrifice your eye health and vision! Makeup may look glamorous but applying foreign pastes and powders near your sensitive eyeball opens you up to [...]

28 01, 2021

Mandeville and Metairie Eye Doctors: Eye Health Resolutions to Keep This Year

2024-06-25T15:31:09-05:00January 28, 2021|Blog Articles About Eyewear, Eye Health|

Eye exams and eyewear should be at the top of your list of 2021 resolutions. The new year is full of optimism and opportunity to complete all of the tasks [...]

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