Apart from sunglasses being a fabulous summertime accessory, they also serve an incredibly useful purpose. Sunglasses protect your eyes from potentially harmful UV (Ultraviolet) light, preventing possible degenerative eye disease, uncomfortable growths, and even signs of aging! These simple shades help protect your eye health and vision, so you can live your best summer life with confidence and style. But don’t just take our word for it! Read more to learn about the health and vision benefits of a quality pair of sunglasses.

Where Should You Wear Sunglasses?

Honestly, it is never a bad idea to have a spare pair of sunglasses in your purse or car because the sun can make it into your eyes even on cloudy days. Even winter sunshine hosts potentially harmful UV rays! In short, protect your eyes all year long. There are a few places where you should be especially cautious about sunlight exposure.

  • The Beach. The beach is essentially a giant, reflective blanket of water. Even sand acts as a potential reflective surface. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as much as 15% of UV radiation can reflect off of dry beach sand, and 25% can reflect off seafoam.
  • The Car. Wearing sunglasses inside your vehicle not only protects against pavement glare, but it also defends your eyes from the UV rays that sneak through your windshield. Wearing sunglasses in the car is good for both short-term and long-term safety.
  • The Alps. Okay, not just The Alps. You should wear sunglasses any time you’re surrounded by snow. Even though Louisiana does not have much of a chance of snow, this seemingly innocent white fluff reflects as much as 80% of UV rays! So, if you’re thinking about going out of town to a snowy oasis, remember to pack a spare pair of shades.

Types of Sunglass Lenses

Not all lenses are created equal. When picking out your lenses, consult with a professional to find out the best form of protection for your eyes! The following are some qualities to ask about during your next eye appointment:

  • Blue Light Protection. Blue light is found both in sunlight and artificial light produced by electronic devices. Blue light blocking technology can protect your eyes indoors and outdoors!
  • Wraparound Style. Fashion shades are great, but certain styles can let in too much sun. Wraparound sunglasses protect both your vision and the sensitive skin surrounding your eyes.
  • 100 Percent UV Protection. Accept nothing less than the best! Eye Wares offers a wide array of fashionable sunglasses with 100 percent UV protection against both UVA and UVB rays.
  • Polarization. Do you spend a lot of time near the water? Ask about polarized glasses! These lenses are known for reducing glare. They both reduce eye strain and provide clearer vision. And for all you fishing enthusiasts, polarized sunglasses can make it easier to see underwater objects due to the decreased glare!
blue light sunglasses

Health Benefits of Wearing Sunglasses

Bright light can irritate your eyes, but sunlight can have an even more sinister effect on your vision and eye health. UV rays can seriously increase a person’s risk of developing macular degeneration and other eye conditions. The following are some of the top eye problems that result from unprotected UV exposure.

  • Pinguecula. A pinguecula, also identified as a non-cancerous, yellow-ish, raised bump on the eye’s sclera, is the first on the list due to its direct relation to UV rays. The growth appears on the part of the eye that is most exposed to sunlight and is caused by ultraviolet radiation. If you notice a pinguecula, schedule an appointment with Eye Wares so our eye doctors can suggest the best treatment. Treatment options include lubricating eye drops, anti-inflammatory drugs, or surgical removal.
  • Pterygium: Surfer’s Eye. Pterygium is another growth caused by direct exposure to ultraviolet rays. It differs from its pinguecula cousin because of its unique, wedge-like shape. The growth sits on the cornea and can grow larger over time, leading to cornea scarring. For serious cases, the growth can also lead to vision loss or distortion. 
  • Cataracts. A cataract is identified by the clouding of your eye’s naturally clear lens, causing side effects such as light sensitivity, faded colors, and double vision. It is a condition most often diagnosed in older people who have had them for a while. Cataracts can be accelerated by prolonged and long-term exposure to UV rays. Protecting your eyes from ultraviolet rays can significantly reduce your chances of developing cataracts.
  • Macular Degeneration. Your macula is a small portion of your retina, so macular degeneration simply refers to the loss of vision from that area due to age or prolonged exposure to harmful UV rays. Age-related eye diseases, such as macular degeneration, are the leading cause of blindness in the United States, so it’s advisable to start implementing preventative eye care as soon as possible.

The Cosmetic Benefits of Sunglasses

Sunglasses aren’t just for show. They also protect the sensitive skin around your eyes! The right sunglasses can prevent accelerated signs of aging, such as wrinkles and sunspots. However, not all sunglasses offer this benefit. Talk to your eye care professional to see which shades will give you the most protection. These sunglasses should have 100 percent UV protection and will likely be a wraparound style. Eye Wares has the latest designer frames to keep your eyes looking stylish all summer long!

Schedule Your Eye Wear Fitting with Eye Wares Today!

At Eye Wares in New Orleans, we are recognized for our exceptional team of optometrists, led by Dr. Lauren Agnew, and our stunning selection of frames! During your appointment, we will help guide you towards the perfect pair of shades to keep you feeling confident and protected during all of your fun summer activities! Schedule your eye appointment today, or stop by at one of our retail stores in Metairie and Mandeville to check out our selection of sunglasses!